Hi, Brain
A play about learning how to talk to yourself.
Kelsey N. Sanders
Estimated Run Time: ~75 minutes
May 28, 1999:
I refuse to die
even if
it kills me
even if
this Midwest lightning reminds
me of soft hands
and foreign lands I
can only understand
when my eyes
are burning
even if
this little ant clinging
to my wrist like my fists
to a frayed bib at 8:36
because today
the sirens cried
and it was almost like
God had arrived
to hold me one last time
and pull His final goodbye
to the point
of my knife
and on this day
the sirens cried
but my clingy little ant
didn't seem much
to mind
didn't flinch as I
held her one last time
and said goodbye
setting the knife
and leaving it there
"It never stops raining here."
Corone sits next to her, muddying the ends of his coat. He looks up. He can only see a blur of colors running down his glasses.
He wonders if kites see the world this way, their memories muddled together until none of them are clear anymore.
"It does. It just rains most of the time."
"But I like it."
No, she doesn't, Corone thinks. How could anyone like being unable to see?
"I have so many memories now that I don't want new ones, Cor. And how do I do that without quitting being a kite? Closing my eyes, or...or drowning in the rain."
Corone's head jerks and Seral's doesn't and he knows that she saw it.
She's only fifty years old.
"Drowning in the sound of it, and the blindness of it. So that I can't sense anything that'll trigger my memories. So I can rest, until it stops again."
Her addendum doesn't comfort Corone. She can't die this young, in some decrepit fucking city whose only pros are mud and cheap doctors. Not after he -
He -
- he kind of wanted to die himself, fifty years ago.
"I don't want to watch it stop," Seral whispers, climbing up the stairs into the apartment.
For her sake, he doesn't want it to stop, either.